Shop / Airsoft Equipment / Ammo / BBs / Tracer BBs / 0.20g – 0.32g Premium Novritsch Tracer BBs
0.20g – 0.32g Premium Novritsch Tracer BBs
$14 – $26
BBs are the most underrated factor when it comes to accuracy. No matter how perfect your airsoft gun is, it will always be limited to the tolerances and the weight of the BBs used.
We guarantee the best performance of Novritsch replicas with these BBs.
One bag contains 2500 Tracer BBs in glowing green.
Categories: SSE18 BBs and Batteries, SSP1 BBs & Gas, SSP18 Gas & BBs, SSP2 BBS & Gas, SSP5 BBs & Gas, SSQ22 BBs & Gas, SSR15 BBs & Batteries, SSR4 BBs & Batteries, SSR63 BBs and Batteries, SSR77 BBs & Batteries, SSR9 BBs & Batteries, SSR90 BBs and Batteries, SSX23 BBs & Gas, SSX303 BBs & Gas, TP22 BBs & Gas, Tracer BBs
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