Shop / Airsoft Guns / Airsoft Rifles / Sniper Rifles / The SSG10 System / SSG10 Spare Parts / SSG10 Black Endcap
SSG10 Black Endcap
Standard black endcap for the SSG10 platform.
Negative threading (Anti-clockwise to screw and clockwise to unscrew).
WARNING: Due to US law your SSG-10 comes with a glued and pinned not removable orange tip due to local regulations. If you want to install the Black Endcap, you can punch in the pin on the bottom of the outer barrel and heat up the screw glue with boiling water or with a heat gun. This will void your warranty, however. To keep your warranty we suggest you purchase a new outer barrel for installing this Black Endcap.
SKU: S206B
Categories: SSG10 Muzzle Devices, SSG10 Spare Parts