Shop / Airsoft Guns / Airsoft Rifles / Sniper Rifles / The SSG10 System / SSG10 Spare Parts / SSG10 A1 MagCatch Assembly Gen2
SSG10 A1 MagCatch Assembly Gen2
A spare MagCatch Assembly Gen2 for the SSG10 A1.
Some SSG10 A1 can have feeding issues that can be fixed with this improved Magcatch assembly. Watch the installation video guide below to learn more about this assembly.
The Gen 1 catch is flat. The Gen 2 has a rounded cutout. It is possible that you already have the Gen 2 version installed.
If you’ve never experienced feeding issues there is no need to get the magazine catch cover gen2.
It is not compatible with the SSG10 A2.
Assembly and disassembly videos are in our Academy.
SKU: S2022B
Category: SSG10 Spare Parts